Hi, there! I'm

Slav Konovalov

Front End Developer

Stockport, UK

SLav Konovalov Frontend Web Developer logo

About Me

Greetings, dear visitor!

My name is Slav Konovalov. I'm a Front-End Developer residing in Stockport, UK. This website showcases some of my works built along an ongoing study of Front-End technologies.

I'm currently open to jobs or projects that match the skill level of a Junior Developer. I'm prepared to commute within Greater Manchester / Stockport area or be engaged in remote projects.

You can view my resume here.


Private Online Tutoring

After grabbing the basics of HTML & CSS I reached out to Tom Parson of Huddle Digital via a tutoring website Superprof. Tom introduced me to a series of Adobe XD mock-up designs from which I built web pages while continuing to self-study relevant techniques. During the lessons Tom would give me his feedback and we would discuss page mark-up and styling practices which I would implement later in the projects. As Tom is an experienced Developer, his lessons were of great value to my learning.

Udemy Online Courses logo


The Complete JavaScript Course 2022 [Completed]
React (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) [In Progress...]
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More [In Progress...]
On-going and thorough study of Udemy courses as I implement learnt skills in the projects.

Frontend Mentor logo

Frontend Mentor

On-going practice of building apps and web pages from pre-designed mock-ups at frontendmentor.io

Global Legal Hackathon 2022 image title

Global Legal Hackathon

Working in a team developing new app that had to be accomplished and published within 2 days. The team won the first stage of the competition in the category of Access to Justice.
Fast Law: Team presentation (video)
Fast Law: Project description (article)



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Use of Semantic markup tags and their attributes. Checking for W3C Validation and Performance. Basic understanding of Accessibility tools.


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Understanding Box Model, Unit Lengths, BEM convention, Selectors and Positioning. Alignment & Layout of elements with Flexbox & Grid. Use of Transitions, Animations, Selectors & Media Quieries for Responsive Design.


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Using features like nesting, mixins & variables to organize styling.


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Understanding of Basic Syntax, Procedural & Object-Oriented Programming. Manipulating DOM-Tree. Use of Asynchronous functions and Fetch API. Import and use of 3rd party Packages with NPM.


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Building Single-Page Applications with Functional Components. Use of React Hooks.


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Knowledge of Git & GitHub commands in a Command-Line Interface. Understanding of Git workflow. Use of Github Desktop software.



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I use VSCode as my main code editor. With installed software extensions for code formatting and compiling.


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Basic skills for image editing. Sometimes I would make adjustments for digital assets or create my own ones.


Here you can view the pages I've built, arranged most recent to oldest. All pages are built from scratch from pre-designed Adobe XD mock-ups.

Gym Tracker App

  • ReactJS
  • Firebase
  • Database
  • CSS
screenshot precision-gym app

A Front End app that allows the user to track their gym progress by inputting relevant data. Built after an idea during workout sessions. More info at GitHub page.

  • Own project
  • User Input
  • Data manipulation
  • Storing and Fetching Database
  • User Account Authentication

Tic Tac Toe

  • ReactJS
  • Vite
  • CSS
  • Animations
screenshot tic tac toe game

Tic Tac Toe game built with ReactJS Functional Components with Vite build tool.

  • Animation sequences for Xs, Os and crossing out winning combination
  • Score that gets updated
  • Tie result
  • Hover states for the current player's move
  • Color harmony generated by Adobe Color Wheel

E-Commerce Page

  • ReactJS
  • CSS
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
screenshot product page for an e-commerce company

E-Commerce product page built with ReactJS Functional Components. Instructions, mock-up and assets are provided by Frontendmentor.io.

  • Optimal layout for desktop, tablet and mobile devices
  • Hover states for interactive elements on the page
  • Clicking on the large product image opens a lightbox gallery
  • Clicking on the small thumbnail images switches the large product page
  • Set product quantity can be added to the cart
  • The cart can be viewed and emptied

Advice Generator App

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
screenshot app that generates text from API

An app that generates random advice text from an external API. Instructions, mock-up and assets are provided by Frontendmentor.io.

  • Optimal layout for desktop and mobile devices
  • Hover states for interactive elements on the page
  • Clicking the button generates a new piece of advice

Interior Design page

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
screenshot landing page for an interior design service

Landing page for an interior design company. Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    Charity page 2

    • HTML
    • SASS
    • JavaScript
    • Desktop
    screenshot homepage for a charity

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    Analytics page

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    screenshot login page for an analytics service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    screenshot page for an analytics service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    screenshot page for an analytics service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    Sports Data page

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Desktop
    screenshot login page for an analytics service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    screenshot page for an analytics service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    Debt Solutions page

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Desktop
    screenshot login page for a debt solutions service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    screenshot login page for a debt solutions service

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.

    Charity page 1

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Desktop
    sample homepage for a charity organization

    Built for HTML/CSS practice. Mock-up and Assets were provided by Tom Parson as part of his private tutoring. As page was designed for a client names and details are changed for confidentiality.